Our goal is to build efficient portfolios for our clients that focus on downside protection. Take our complimentary risk profile questionnaire to see our suggestions to potentially improve your portfolio.
How long might I have to work to achieve my retirement goals and objectives?
Let us help you find the answers on your journey to financial freedom.
Each individual client has different requirements. At Cedar Capital, we will always strive to consider your needs first. Your individual financial plan and initial portfolio recommendation is just the beginning of our commitment to personalizing the investing process.
We deliver advanced portfolio management with asset allocation and tax-aware investing that is tailored to each individual clients risk tolerance, goals and objectives.
We believe that operating as a fee-only planner allows clients the benefit of more transparency, flexible pay and freedom from conflicts of interest.
We are bound by the law to act solely in the best interests of our clients. We will fully disclose any current or potential conflicts of interest throughout the entirety of our business engagement. We believe that transparency is a key pillar to building long lasting relationships with clients.
Instead of cobbling your financial team together with numerous and often conflicting sources of advice, Cedar Capital Advisors provides a complete team with a single point of contact. Let us become your personal CFO and try to help you on the road to long-term financial success.
At Cedar Capital Advisors, we are dedicated to a planning based approach. We believe constructing a personalized, in-depth financial plan will help to clear a path for your monetary and personal goals. We will spend time with you to find out what you want your assets to accomplish and form a full plan aimed at meeting your needs.
-Will my money last through retirement?
-What are my retirement investment options?
-How long do I have to work to achieve my retirement goals and objectives?
-What risk might I need to take in order to achieve these goals and objectives?
-When should I begin taking Social Security?
-What strategies should be considered to maximize Social Security?
-What happens in the event of death, divorce, or disability?
-How does the income I receive from Social Security affect my overall financial plan?
-Completion of Risk Profile Questionnaire
-Current Risk Assessment
-Portfolio Stress Testing
-How much risk am I currently taking in my portfolio?
-What’s the difference between different asset classes?
-What asset classes do I and should I have exposure to?
-How correlated are the investments in my portfolio?
-What fees am I currently being charged?
I first knew I wanted to transition into retirement planning when helping my own father search for a financial advisor. With over 14 years in the financial industry, I couldn’t name anyone that I knew and trusted with my father’s assets. I figured others have felt the same way and that is why I helped create Cedar Capital Advisors.
Quarterly, I host ‘Wine & Wealth’ events. These events are strategically designed to be interactive and casual. We cover topics such as: estate planning, health insurance, taxes, and of course, investing for retirement. I realize that the topic of retirement is intimidating and complicated, therefore, my main goal at these events is to educate and arm investors, of all ages, with the sound understanding of how to hopefully become a smarter investor in an enjoyable and unique setting.